Animas Lunch Report – 7/3/15 – Keep it Weird
Andy – As Kyle and I crested the summit of 9th and Camino Del Rio, descending towards 9th street bridge, our defeat was instantaneously sure.
No fish will be caught today.
All week, the Animas seemed to be shaping up. With each day, slightly more clarity. But a spike in the flows after a night of rains in the high country, and the Animas is back to her old wily tricks. Luring us in with promises of clear water and streamer eats all week, only to show up the day of covered in turd.
You know it’s going to be a weird day on the Animas when you are in danger of being struck on the bike path by a motorized cooler piloted by someone who probably does not have an operators licence.
We opted for a few casts for giggles, but Kyle’s first cast put his stonefly and egg-sucking-leech-monstrosity rig into a dead overhanging tree. Feeling utter shame, I lifted his spirits by declaring that we will get the flies back at all costs.
We had to break the tiny stick the flies were wrapped around. I decided the best option was to break said stick/tiny branch with the biggest driftwood and rocks I could find. Target in sight, unleash a barrage.
It kind of worked…
I finally just pulled a half-tree limb from the river and used it as a fly rake. Long story short, we lost the stonefly (a Trevdog Special) but we saved the egg-sucking-leech-monstrosity. Thank goodness, it was tied with Loon UV orange paint-a rare gem round these parts!
Oh yeah, and we made a new friend in this little stunted wing stonefly with an orange butt. He probably looks like this because of chemtrails.
In other weirdness on this July 3rd, this, no words could truly capture how metal this pike image is. \m/ >_< \m/